Thursday, October 2, 2008

If a white person starts talking to you about classical music, it’s essential that you tread very lightly. This is because white people are all petrified that they will be exposed as someone who has only a moderate understanding of classical music. When a white person encounters another white person who actually enjoys classical music (exceptionally rare), it is often considered to be one of the most traumatic experiences they can go through.

“Really? Beethoven’s 5th Symphony….that’s your favorite.”
“um, no, I mean…”
“You sure it’s not Pachelbel’s Canon?”
“well, ah, I like that, ah, song”
“sigh, of course you do.”

Stuff white people like isn't my favorite site ever, but this sums up four years of working in a string quartet. All I can say is this-- if you don't know much about it, that's fine. Be enthusiastic about what you really enjoy, don't try to b.s. what you don't know, and I won't judge you.

(Too much.)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

if you don't laugh, you'll cry.

Well, small government conservatism is choking out its death rattle and the economy is in the hole. But unless you're living in space right now, you probably knew that. And, if you're like me, you're not very happy about this mess.

So, to bring a smile into a pretty bleak week of news, take a few minutes to check this kid out.

See? I told you you'd smile.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ich bin ein Holzfäller...

I'm taking German as my official college language. I love Rainer Maria Rilke, Beethoven, Vienna and have a German aunt, so I figured it would be a good fit. So far I'm really liking it... but, you know, it can be a hard language to take seriously. The words aren't smooth and sexy like Latin or French. They're bouncy and long, and uberly dorky. I have to try very, very hard to suppress myself from bursting into this song in class.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

election- takin' it to the courts!

My sister totally played against McCain granddaughters in her latest volleyball tournament. She (and her team) emerged victorious. I deem this worthy of reporting.

sign you live in tempe: #4

Academic Success Specialists.

Part of the excitement of attending the New American University is that you are constantly bombarded with the New American Names of old (un-American?) ASU institutions. For example, it's not the "Anthropology Building" anymore. It's "The School of Evolution and Social Change." Generally the new names are fun, a decent attempt to sex up academia, if you will. But this latest gem might be a tad much...

We no longer have Advisers. Only ASS's.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


You know, I'd taken a pretty long hiatus from the Daily Show. I had grown tired, overcome with a sense of dread that all Jon Stewart could do anymore was make funny faces and sound affects about general political silliness.

And then he ran this clip about the GOP's sudden, deep concern about sexism.

Jon Stewart, you just went up +10,000 points in my book.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

sign you live in tempe: #3

Your dorm has a bedbug infestation- and you are the latest tasty treat.

I don't even want to talk about it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

sign you live in tempe: #2

Monsoon Season.

Everyone was out in the courtyard and it just went wild. Lightning and thunder at the same time, palm trees swaying, hail hitting our faces. It was wonderful.

Monday, August 25, 2008

sign you live in tempe: #1

The weather is so hot on the first day of school that the liquid eyeliner literally melts off your face.

Not even kidding- I looked in the mirror after German today and realized that I had been Alice Coopering around campus for the past two hours. While I may be more acclimated to my school's hottie status, I will always be- at least partly- a massive she-dork.

Other than that, my goodness. School is a much nicer place coming back your sophmore year. I knew where I was going, I kept running into friends, my roommate is positively adorable (and a cellist!), and my classes look really exciting. Here's to a good year.